This vignette is intended to know the main functions of the
package. Efficiency
Analysis Trees is an algorithm that estimates a production frontier
in a data-driven environment by adapting regression trees. In this way,
techniques from the field of machine learning are
incorporated into solving problems in the field of production
theory. From the latter, the following terminology is
Let us consider n Decision Making Units (DMUs) to be evaluated. DMUi consumes xi = (x1i, ..., xmi) ∈ R+m amount of inputs for the production of yi = (y1i, ..., ysi) ∈ R+s amount of outputs. The relative efficiency of each DMU in the sample is assessed with reference to the so-called production possibility set or technology, which is the set of technically feasible combinations of (x, y). It is defined in general terms as:
Monotonicity (free disposability) of inputs and outputs is assumed, meaning that if (x, y) ∈ Ψ, then (x’, y’) ∈ Ψ, as soon as x’ ≥ x and y’ ≤ y. Often convexity of Ψ is also assumed. The efficient frontier of Ψ may be defined as ∂(Ψ) := {(x, y) ∈ Ψ : x̂ < x, ŷ > y ⇒ (x̂, ŷ) ∉ Ψ}. Technical inefficiency is defined as the distance from a point that belongs to Ψ to the production frontier ∂(Ψ). For a point located inside Ψ, it is evident that there are many possible paths to the frontier, each associated with a different technical inefficiency measure.
In this section, an EAT model, a
RFEAT model, a FDH model and a
DEA model refer to a modeling carried out using
Efficiency Analysis Trees technique, Random Forest for Efficiency
Analysis Trees technique, Free Disposal Hull method and Data Envelopment
Analysis method, respectively. Additionally, a CEAT
model refers to a Convexified Efficiency Analysis Trees model. The
functions developed in the eat
library are always oriented
to one of the five previous models (EAT, CEAT, RFEAT, FDH or DEA) and
can be divided into seven categories depending on their purpose:
Purpose | | Usage |
Model | EAT |
It generates a pruned Efficiency Analysis Trees model and returns an
EAT object.
It generates a Random Forest for Efficiency Analysis Trees model and
returns a RFEAT object
Summarize |
Print method for an EAT or a RFEAT object.
summary |
Summary method for an EAT object.
EAT_size |
For an EAT object. It returns the number of leaf nodes.
EAT_frontier_levels |
For an EAT object. It returns the frontier output levels at
the leaf nodes.
EAT_leaf_stats |
For an EAT object. It returns a descriptive summary
statistics table for each output variable calculated from the leaf nodes
Tune | bestEAT | For an EAT model. Hyperparameter tuning. |
bestRFEAT | For an RFEAT model Hyperparameter tuning. | |
Graph | frontier |
For an EAT object. It plots the estimated frontier in a
two-dimensional scenario (1 input and 1 output).
plotEAT |
For an EAT object. It plots the tree structure.
plotRFEAT |
For an RFEAT object. It plots a line plot graph with the
Out-of-Bag (OOB) error for a forest consisting of k trees.
Calculate efficiency scores | efficiencyEAT | It calculates the efficiency scores through an EAT (and FDH) model. |
efficiencyCEAT | It calculates the efficiency scores through a convexified EAT (and DEA) model. | |
efficiencyRFEAT | It calculates the efficiency scores through a RFEAT (and FDH) model. | |
Graph efficiency scores | efficiencyDensity |
Density plot for a data.frame of efficiency scores (EAT,
FDH, CEAT, DEA and RFEAT are available).
efficiencyJitter |
For an EAT object. Jitter plot for a vector of efficiency
scores calculated through an EAT /CEAT model.
Predict | predict |
Predict method for an EAT or a RFEAT object.
Rank | rankingEAT |
For an EAT object. It calculates variable importance
rankingRFEAT |
For an RFEAT object. It calculates variable importance
Simulation | Y1.sim | It simulates a data set in 1 output scenario. 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 inputs can be generated. |
X2Y2.sim | It simulates a data set in 2 outputs and 2 inputs scenario. |
The PISAindex
database is included as a data object in
the eat
library and is employed to exemplify the package
functions. On the one hand, the inputs correspond to 13 variables that
define the socioeconomic context of a country, by means of a score in
the range [1-100], except for the Gross Domestic Product by Purchasing
Power Parity, which is measured in thousands of dollars. All of them
have been obtained from the Social Progress Index. On the
other hand, the performance of each country in the PISA exams is
measured by the average score of its schools in the disciplines of
Science, Reading and Mathematics which have been collected from PISA
2018 Results.
The following variables are collected for 72 countries that take the PISA exam:
Country, Continent and a 3-letter code that identifies the country following the ISO 3166 ALPHA-3 as rownames.
Outputs :
Inputs :
Basic Human Needs field :
Foundations of Well-being field :
Opportunity field :
GDP_PPP : Gross Domestic Product based on Purchasing Power Parity.
The eat
package is applied with the following purposes:
(1) to create homogeneous groups of countries in terms of their
socioeconomic characteristics (Basic Human Needs, Foundations of
Well-being, Opportunity and GDP PPP per capita) and subsequently to know
what maximum PISA score is expected in one or more specific disciplines
for each of these groups; (2) to know which countries exercise best
practices and which of them do not obtain a performance according to
their socioeconomic level; and (3) to know what variables are more
relevant in obtaining efficient levels of output.
function is the centerpiece of the
library. EAT
performs a regression tree
based on CART methodology under a new approach that guarantees obtaining
a frontier as an estimator that fulfills the property of free
disposability. This new technique has been baptized as Efficiency
Analysis Trees. The development of the functions contained in the
library has been designed so that even true R novices
can use the library easily. The minimum arguments of the function are
the data (data
) containing the study variables, the indexes
of the predictor variables or inputs (x
) and the indexes of
the predicted variables or outputs (y
). Additionally, the
, fold
, max.depth
arguments are included for those more
experienced users in the fields of machine learning and tree-based
models. Modifying these four allows obtaining different frontiers and
therefore selecting the one that best suits the needs of the
refers to the minimum number of observations
in a node to be divided and is directly related to the size of the tree.
The higher the value of numStop
, the smaller the size of
the tree.
refers to the number of parts in which the
dataset is divided to apply the cross-validation technique. Variations
in the fold
argument are not directly related to the size
of the tree.
limits the number of nodes between the
root node and the furthest leaf node (root not included). When this
argument is introduced, the typical process of growth-pruning is not
carried out. In this case, the tree is allowed to grow to the required
determines the maximum number of leaf
nodes. As in max.depth
, the process of growth-pruning is
not performed. In this respect, the tree grows until the required number
of leaf nodes is reached, and then, the tree is returned.
Note that including the arguments max.depth
hyperparameters reduce the computation time by
eliminating the pruning procedure. If both are included at the same
time, a warning message is displayed and only max.depth
The error of a given node t is measured as the prediction error at the node t over the total number of observations:
The impurity of a tree T is measured as the sum of the impurities for each leaf node:
where T̃ is the set of leaf nodes for the tree T.
The function returns an EAT
returns the tree structure for an
object where:
: vector of predictions.R
: error at the node.n(t)
: number of DMUs at the node.input name < / >= s
represents the division of
the space.<*>
indicates a leaf node. [1] y: [ 551 ] || R: 11507.5 n(t): 72
| [2] PFC < 77.2 --> y: [ 478 ] || R: 2324.47 n(t): 34
| | [4] PFC < 65.45 --> y: [ 428 ] <*> || R: 390.17 n(t): 16
| | [5] PFC >= 65.45 --> y: [ 478 ] <*> || R: 637.08 n(t): 18
| [3] PFC >= 77.2 --> y: [ 551 ] <*> || R: 2452.83 n(t): 38
<*> is a leaf node
returns the following information of an
: outputs ~ inputs
Summary for leaf nodes
: leaf node index.n(t)
: number of DMUs at the leaf node.%
: proportion of DMUs at the leaf node.output names
with the corresponding
predictions for the leaf nodes.R(t)
: error at the leaf node.Tree
Interior nodes
: number of interior nodes.Leaf nodes
: number of leaf nodes.Total nodes
: total number of nodes (interior nodes +
leaf nodes).R(T)
: error at the model.numStop
: numStop hyperparameter value.fold
: fold hyperparameter value.max.depth
: max.depth hyperparameter value.max.leaves
: max.leaves hyperparameter value.Primary & surrogate splits
Node A --> {B, C}
indicates that the node A is split
into the left child node B and the right child node C.variable --> {R: , s: }
represents the division of
the space with its error and threshold.Surrogate splits
indicates the best possible split for
each variable that has not been used to divide the node. This is
expressed as variable --> {R: , s: }
is the error at the node and s
threshold. Results are displayed in descending order by their
value. In the case of a single input, the surrogate
splits do not appear.
Formula: S_PISA ~ PFC
# ========================== #
# Summary for leaf nodes #
# ========================== #
id n(t) % S_PISA R(t)
3 38 53 551 2452.83
4 16 22 428 390.17
5 18 25 478 637.08
# ========================== #
# Tree #
# ========================== #
Interior nodes: 2
Leaf nodes: 3
Total nodes: 5
R(T): 3480.08
numStop: 5
fold: 5
# ========================== #
# Primary & surrogate splits #
# ========================== #
Node 1 --> {2,3} || PFC --> {R: 4777.31, s: 77.2}
Node 2 --> {4,5} || PFC --> {R: 1027.25, s: 65.45}
returns the number of leaf nodes of an
The number of leaf nodes of the EAT model is: 3
[1] 3
returns the frontier levels of the
outputs at the leaf nodes:
The frontier levels of the outputs at the leaf nodes are:
1 551
2 428
3 478
returns a descriptive summary
statistics table for each output variable calculated from the leaf nodes
observations of an Efficiency Analysis Trees model. In multioutput
scenarios, the measurements are shown for each output. Specifically, it
: node index.n(t)
: number of DMUs.%
: proportion of DMUs.mean
: mean.var
: standard deviation.min
: minimum.Q1
: first quantile.median
: median.Q3
: third quantile.max
: maximum.RMSE
: root mean square error. Node n(t) % mean var sd min Q1 median Q3 max RMSE
1 1 72 100 455.06 2334.59 48.32 336 416.75 466.0 495.25 551 107.27
2 2 34 47 416.88 1223.02 34.97 336 397.25 415.5 435.75 478 70.16
3 3 38 53 489.21 851.95 29.19 419 478.00 494.0 504.50 551 68.17
4 4 16 22 394.62 684.65 26.17 336 381.50 398.0 414.00 428 41.90
5 5 18 25 436.67 889.29 29.82 386 415.25 433.5 468.00 478 50.48
Additionally, EAT_object[["tree"]][[id_node]]
returns a list
allows knowing the characteristics of a given node in greater detail.
The elements that define a node are the following:
: node index.F
: father node index.SL
: left child node index.SR
: right child node index.index
: set of indexes corresponding to the
observations in a node.varInfo
: list containing the error of the left node,
the error of the right node and the threshold of the best split for each
: error at the node.xi
: index of the variable that produces the split in a
: threshold of the variable xi
by which
the split takes place.y
: value(s) of the predicted variable(s) in a
: lower bound of the given node.b
: upper bound of the given node.Note that:
since it
has no parent node.SL
, SR
and xi
since it is not divided.$id
[1] 5
[1] 2
[1] -1
[1] -1
[1] 26 27 34 36 38 39 41 42 43 45 47 48 49 58 59 65 66 68
[1] 363.2778
[1] 759.8056
[1] 64.32
[1] 637.0833
[1] -1
[1] -1
[1] 478
[1] 65.45
[1] 77.2
The types of variables accepted by the EAT
function are
the following:
Variable | Integer | Numeric | Factor | Ordered.factor |
Independent variables (inputs) | x | x | x | |
Dependent variables (outputs) | x | x |
The Efficiency Analysis Trees methodology does not allow categorical
variables. At this time, only ordinal factors can be entered. It is
important to note that order = True
must be included in the
factor construction so as not to produce an error.
# Transform Continent to Factor
PISAindex_factor_Continent <- PISAindex
PISAindex_factor_Continent$Continent <- as.factor(PISAindex_factor_Continent$Continent)
Error in preProcess(data = data, x = x, y = y, numStop = numStop, fold = fold, : Continent is not a numeric, integer or ordered vector
# Cateogirze GDP_PPP into 4 groups: Low, Medium, High, Very High.
PISAindex_GDP_PPP_cat <- PISAindex
PISAindex_GDP_PPP_cat$GDP_PPP_cat <- cut(PISAindex_GDP_PPP_cat$GDP_PPP,
breaks = c(0, 16.686, 31.419, 47.745, Inf),
include.lowest = T,
labels = c("Low", "Medium", "High", "Very high"))
class(PISAindex_GDP_PPP_cat$GDP_PPP_cat) # "factor" --> error
[1] "factor"
# It is necessary to indicate order = TRUE, before applying the EAT function
PISAindex_GDP_PPP_cat$GDP_PPP_cat <- factor(PISAindex_GDP_PPP_cat$GDP_PPP_cat,
order = TRUE)
class(PISAindex_GDP_PPP_cat$GDP_PPP_cat) # "ordered" "factor" --> correct
[1] "ordered" "factor"
The frontier
function displays the frontier estimated by
the EAT
function through a plot from ggplot2
The frontier estimated by FDH can also be plotted if
. Observed DMUs can be showed by a scatterplot if = TRUE
and its color, shape and size can be
modified with observed.color
, pch
respectively. Finally, rownames can be included with
rwn = TRUE
observed.color = "black",
pch = 19,
size = 1,
rwn = FALSE,
max.overlaps = 10)
To continue, the frontier of the previous model is displayed. It can
be seen how the frontier obtained by the EAT
generalizes the results of the frontier obtained through FDH, thus
avoiding overfitting. The boundary estimated through Efficiency Analysis
Trees generates 3 steps corresponding to the 3 leaf nodes (nodes 3, 4
and 5) obtained with the EAT
function. For each of these
steps, a frontier level in terms of the output is given with respect to
the amount of input used (in this case level of PFC
). In
addition, we can appreciate 6 DMUs on the frontier: ALB (Albania), MDA
(Moldova), SRB (Serbia), RUS (Russia), HUN (Hungary) and SGP
(Singapore). Note that the first vertical plane of the frontier does not
appear, but if it did, ALB would be on it. These DMUs are efficient and
the rest of the DMUs below their specific step should increase the
amount of output obtained or reduce the amount of input utilized until
reaching the boundary to be efficient.
frontier <- frontier(object = single_model,
rwn = TRUE)
The answer is no. Note that there may be situations where the estimation of two or more nodes is identical. This is necessary to ensure the estimation of an increasing monotonic frontier. In this case, the number of leaf nodes is 5, however the predictions for nodes 4 and 5 are the same and therefore the border only has 4 steps.
The number of leaf nodes of the EAT model is: 5
[1] 5
[1,] 551
[2,] 478
[3,] 428
[4,] 417
[5,] 417
S_PISA + R_PISA + M_PISA ~ NBMC + WS + S + PS + ABK + AIC + HW + EO + PR + PFC + I + AAE + GDP_PPP
The second example presents a multiple output scenario where 13
inputs are used to model the 3 available outputs. In these situations, a
selection of the most contributing variables may be recommended in order
to reduce overfitting, improve precision and reduce future training
times. rankingEAT()
allows a selection of variables by
calculating a score of importance through the Efficiency Analysis Trees
technique. The user can specify the number of decimal units
), include a barplot with the scores of importance
) and display a horizontal line in the graph to
facilitate the cut-off point between important and irrelevant variables
The importance score represents how influential each variable is in the model. In this case, the cut-off point is set at 70 and therefore important variables are considered: AAE (Access to Advanced Education), WS (Water and Sanitation), NBMC (Nutrition and Basic Medical Care), HW (Health and Wellness) and S (Shelter).
rankingEAT(object = multioutput_model,
barplot = TRUE,
threshold = 70,
digits = 2)
AAE 100.00
WS 96.07
S 84.19
HW 83.26
NBMC 73.39
AIC 69.20
GDP_PPP 67.85
ABK 64.49
EQ 62.56
I 62.20
PR 60.79
PS 52.69
PFC 43.15
allows us to clearly see the regions of the
input space originated with EAT()
; however, this is
impossible with more than two variables (one input and one output). For
multiple input and / or output scenarios, the typical tree-structure
showing the relationships between the predicted and predictive
variables, is given.
In each node, we can obtain the following information:
: node index.R
: error at the node.n(t)
: number of DMUs at the node.input name
by which the split take place.y
: vector of predictions.Furthermore, the nodes are colored according to the variable by which the division is performed or they are black, in the case of being a leaf node.
Below are the 3 ways to control the size of a tree model:
, max.depth
Size control by numStop
Size control by max.depth
reduced_model2 <- EAT(data = PISAindex,
x = c(6, 7, 8, 12, 17),
y = 3:5,
numStop = 9,
max.depth = 5)
Size control by max.leaves
reduced_model3 <- EAT(data = PISAindex,
x = c(6, 7, 8, 12, 17),
y = 3:5,
numStop = 9,
max.leaves = 4)
In this section, the PISAindex
database is divided into
a training subset with 70% of the DMUs and a test subset with the
remaining 30%. Next, the bestEAT
function is applied to
find the value of the hyperparameters that minimize the error calculated
on the test sample from an Efficiency Analysis Trees fitted with the
training sample.
n <- nrow(PISAindex) # Observations in the dataset
selected <- sample(1:n, n * 0.7) # Training indexes
training <- PISAindex[selected, ] # Training set
test <- PISAindex[- selected, ] # Test set
The bestEAT
function requires a training set
) on which to model an Efficiency Analysis Trees
model (with cross-validation) and a test set (test
) on
which to calculate the error. The number of trees built is given by the
number of different combinations that can be given by the
, fold
, max.depth
arguments. Note that it is not possible to enter
and a certain value in max.depth
arguments at the same time.
returns a data frame with the following
: numStop hyperparameter value.fold
: fold hyperparameter value.max.depth
: max.depth hyperparameter value if it does
not set to NULL
: max.leaves hyperparameter value if it does
not set to NULL
: root mean square error calculated on the test
sample with a tree built with the training sample and the set of
: number of leaf nodes at the tree.bestEAT(training, test,
x, y,
numStop = 5,
fold = 5,
max.depth = NULL,
max.leaves = NULL,
na.rm = TRUE)
For example, if the arguments numStop = {3, 5, 7}
fold = {5, 7}
are entered, 6 models of Efficiency Analysis
Trees are constructed with {numStop = 3
fold = 5
}, {numStop = 3
fold = 7
}, {numStop = 5
fold = 5
}, {numStop = 5
fold = 7
}, {numStop
= 7,
fold = 5
} and {numStop = 7
fold = 7
Hyperparameter tuning for:
numStop = {3, 5, 7}
and fold = {5, 7}
bestEAT(training = training,
test = test,
x = c(6, 7, 8, 12, 17),
y = 3:5,
numStop = c(3, 5, 7),
fold = c(5, 7))
numStop fold RMSE leaves
1 7 5 63.50 13
2 7 7 63.50 13
3 5 5 64.47 7
4 3 5 65.22 22
5 3 7 65.79 10
6 5 7 66.10 8
The best Efficiency Analysis Trees model is given by the
hyperparameters {numStop = 3, fold = 7}
RMSE = 56.82
and 24 leaf nodes. However, this model is too
complex. Therefore, we select the model with parameters
{numStop = 7, fold = 5}
with RMSE = 59.14
with only 10 leaf nodes. Now we check the results of this model.
Formula: S_PISA + R_PISA + M_PISA ~ NBMC + WS + S + HW + AAE
# ========================== #
# Summary for leaf nodes #
# ========================== #
id n(t) % S_PISA R(t) M_PISA R
6 5 7 396 377 379 64.72
10 3 4 404 401 420 9.14
11 7 10 428 424 437 91.35
12 3 4 415 421 430 15.37
14 5 7 429 427 437 24.23
15 5 7 438 432 440 43.32
16 3 4 469 466 454 65.48
18 1 1 469 466 454 7.54
19 7 10 487 479 496 84.29
21 3 4 551 549 569 68.31
22 5 7 492 492 496 33.47
25 10 14 530 523 526 98.80
27 1 1 519 514 526 0.00
28 1 1 492 492 496 11.61
31 2 3 511 512 519 5.55
32 1 1 507 495 509 0.00
33 9 13 511 512 516 95.55
# ========================== #
# Tree #
# ========================== #
Interior nodes: 16
Leaf nodes: 17
Total nodes: 33
R(T): 718.73
numStop: 7
fold: 5
# ========================== #
# Primary & surrogate splits #
# ========================== #
Node 1 --> {2,3} || NBMC --> {R: 5254.57, s: 97.11}
Surrogate splits
AAE --> {R: 5614.76, s: 70.12}
WS --> {R: 6246.35, s: 96.47}
S --> {R: 6360.39, s: 94.88}
HW --> {R: 6647.59, s: 73.95}
Node 2 --> {4,5} || AAE --> {R: 1017.07, s: 68.39}
Surrogate splits
NBMC --> {R: 1890.36, s: 93.68}
S --> {R: 2098.31, s: 90.53}
WS --> {R: 2341.68, s: 86.44}
HW --> {R: 2783.94, s: 57.95}
Node 3 --> {20,21} || HW --> {R: 634.4, s: 89.96}
Surrogate splits
S --> {R: 1339.33, s: 96.88}
AAE --> {R: 1364.2, s: 73.16}
NBMC --> {R: 1458.4, s: 98.02}
WS --> {R: 1468.3, s: 98.92}
Node 4 --> {6,7} || NBMC --> {R: 382.76, s: 90.39}
Surrogate splits
HW --> {R: 514.17, s: 59.25}
AAE --> {R: 560.01, s: 50.5}
WS --> {R: 581.11, s: 90.02}
S --> {R: 639.65, s: 83.49}
Node 5 --> {16,17} || NBMC --> {R: 178.47, s: 95.37}
Surrogate splits
S --> {R: 216.28, s: 93.2}
WS --> {R: 237.44, s: 91.21}
AAE --> {R: 240.5, s: 72.76}
HW --> {R: 244.73, s: 68}
Node 7 --> {8,9} || WS --> {R: 259.43, s: 92.19}
Surrogate splits
S --> {R: 275.31, s: 87.87}
AAE --> {R: 278.71, s: 60.78}
NBMC --> {R: 282.77, s: 94.49}
HW --> {R: 299.96, s: 59.25}
Node 8 --> {10,11} || S --> {R: 100.48, s: 89.52}
Surrogate splits
NBMC --> {R: 115.66, s: 94.6}
WS --> {R: 120.97, s: 90.02}
HW --> {R: 121.5, s: 72.35}
AAE --> {R: 128.7, s: 54.17}
Node 9 --> {12,13} || S --> {R: 94.35, s: 87.87}
Surrogate splits
AAE --> {R: 98.11, s: 60.78}
HW --> {R: 114.28, s: 67.69}
NBMC --> {R: 114.97, s: 94.49}
WS --> {R: 115.91, s: 94.63}
Node 13 --> {14,15} || AAE --> {R: 67.55, s: 60.78}
Surrogate splits
S --> {R: 71.15, s: 92.12}
NBMC --> {R: 74.55, s: 94.49}
WS --> {R: 75.49, s: 94.63}
HW --> {R: 76.2, s: 67.69}
Node 17 --> {18,19} || S --> {R: 91.83, s: 93.2}
Surrogate splits
AAE --> {R: 94.29, s: 72.76}
NBMC --> {R: 100.13, s: 96.72}
HW --> {R: 103.15, s: 68}
WS --> {R: 111.27, s: 94.7}
Node 20 --> {22,23} || AAE --> {R: 403.33, s: 73.16}
Surrogate splits
S --> {R: 459.63, s: 97.82}
HW --> {R: 519.36, s: 77.33}
WS --> {R: 528.81, s: 96.47}
NBMC --> {R: 545.91, s: 97.43}
Node 23 --> {24,25} || S --> {R: 293.55, s: 97.82}
Surrogate splits
HW --> {R: 354.53, s: 87.97}
AAE --> {R: 355.12, s: 86.32}
NBMC --> {R: 363.33, s: 98.22}
WS --> {R: 367.57, s: 98.91}
Node 24 --> {26,27} || HW --> {R: 143.21, s: 87.97}
Surrogate splits
AAE --> {R: 144.9, s: 82.99}
NBMC --> {R: 171.68, s: 98.22}
S --> {R: 177.76, s: 96.71}
WS --> {R: 188.05, s: 98.91}
Node 26 --> {28,29} || AAE --> {R: 120.54, s: 74.63}
Surrogate splits
WS --> {R: 135.51, s: 99.69}
HW --> {R: 135.93, s: 85.58}
NBMC --> {R: 137.18, s: 98.51}
S --> {R: 138, s: 97.47}
Node 29 --> {30,31} || WS --> {R: 102.77, s: 99.69}
Surrogate splits
HW --> {R: 103.19, s: 85.58}
AAE --> {R: 103.68, s: 82.99}
NBMC --> {R: 104.44, s: 98.51}
S --> {R: 105.26, s: 97.47}
Node 30 --> {32,33} || AAE --> {R: 95.55, s: 76.21}
Surrogate splits
WS --> {R: 97.22, s: 98.99}
HW --> {R: 97.22, s: 81.74}
NBMC --> {R: 97.22, s: 98.21}
S --> {R: 97.22, s: 97.31}
The efficiency scores are numerical values that indicate the degree
of efficiency of a set of DMUs. A dataset (data
) and the
corresponding indexes of input(s) (x
) and output(s)
) must be entered. It is recommended that the dataset
with the DMUs whose efficiency is to be calculated coincide with those
used to estimate the frontier. However, it is also possible to calculate
the efficiency scores for a new dataset. The efficiency scores are
calculated using the mathematical programming model included in the
argument score_model
. The following models are
: Banker Charnes and Cooper output-oriented
radial model. Efficiency level at 1.BCC.INP
: Banker Charnes and Cooper input-oriented
radial model. Efficiency level at 1.DDF
: Directional Distance Function. Efficiency level at
: output-oriented Russell Model. Efficiency
level at 1.RSL.INP
: input-oriented Russell Model. Efficiency level
at 1.WAM.MIP
: Weighted Additive Model with Measure of
Inefficiency Proportion. Efficiency level at 0.WAM.RAM
: Weighted Additive Model with Range Adjusted
Measure of Inefficiency. Efficiency level at 0.If FDH = TRUE
, scores are also calculated through a FDH
model. Finally, a summary descriptive table of the efficiency scores can
be displayed with the argument print.table = TRUE
For this section, the previously created single_model
efficiencyEAT(data, x, y,
digits = 3,
print.table = FALSE,
na.rm = TRUE)
# single_model <- EAT(data = PISAindex, x = 15, y = 3)
scores_EAT <- efficiencyEAT(data = PISAindex,
x = 15,
y = 3,
object = single_model,
scores_model = "BCC.OUT",
digits = 3,
print.table = TRUE,
na.rm = TRUE)
Model Mean Std. Dev. Min Q1 Median Q3 Max
EAT 1.114 0.074 1 1.061 1.110 1.110 1.315
FDH 1.081 0.065 1 1.030 1.069 1.069 1.241
SGP 1.000 1.000
JPN 1.042 1.000
KOR 1.062 1.000
EST 1.040 1.000
NLD 1.095 1.095
POL 1.078 1.000
CHE 1.113 1.113
CAN 1.064 1.064
DNK 1.118 1.118
SVN 1.087 1.024
BEL 1.104 1.062
FIN 1.056 1.056
SWE 1.104 1.104
GBR 1.091 1.091
NOR 1.124 1.124
DEU 1.095 1.095
IRL 1.111 1.069
AUT 1.124 1.082
CZE 1.109 1.044
LVA 1.131 1.066
FRA 1.118 1.075
ISL 1.160 1.116
NZL 1.085 1.043
PRT 1.120 1.055
AUS 1.095 1.054
RUS 1.000 1.000
ITA 1.021 1.021
SVK 1.187 1.037
LUX 1.155 1.155
HUN 1.146 1.000
LTU 1.143 1.060
ESP 1.141 1.075
USA 1.098 1.056
BLR 1.015 1.015
MLT 1.193 1.106
HRV 1.006 1.006
ISR 1.193 1.106
TUR 1.021 1.000
UKR 1.019 1.000
CYP 1.255 1.182
GRC 1.058 1.058
SRB 1.086 1.000
MYS 1.091 1.068
ALB 1.026 1.000
BGR 1.127 1.127
ARE 1.270 1.177
MNE 1.152 1.128
ROU 1.122 1.122
KAZ 1.204 1.179
MDA 1.000 1.000
AZE 1.075 1.048
THA 1.005 1.005
URY 1.293 1.200
CHL 1.241 1.169
QAT 1.315 1.239
MEX 1.021 1.021
BIH 1.075 1.048
CRI 1.149 1.149
JOR 1.114 1.093
PER 1.059 1.032
GEO 1.117 1.089
MKD 1.036 1.036
LBN 1.115 1.115
COL 1.036 1.036
BRA 1.183 1.158
ARG 1.183 1.158
IDN 1.081 1.081
SAU 1.238 1.215
MAR 1.135 1.135
PAN 1.173 1.173
PHL 1.199 1.168
DOM 1.274 1.241
scores_EAT2 <- efficiencyEAT(data = PISAindex,
x = 15,
y = 3,
object = single_model,
scores_model = "BCC.INP",
digits = 3,
print.table = FALSE,
na.rm = TRUE)
SGP 0.878 1.000
JPN 0.937 1.000
KOR 0.976 1.000
EST 0.918 1.000
NLD 0.867 0.879
POL 0.987 1.000
CHE 0.846 0.858
CAN 0.857 0.878
DNK 0.848 0.859
SVN 0.953 0.966
BEL 0.879 0.891
FIN 0.867 0.925
SWE 0.865 0.877
GBR 0.877 0.889
NOR 0.842 0.854
DEU 0.852 0.863
IRL 0.884 0.896
AUT 0.881 0.893
CZE 0.950 0.963
LVA 0.950 0.963
FRA 0.887 0.899
ISL 0.746 0.801
NZL 0.890 0.902
PRT 0.954 0.967
AUS 0.889 0.901
RUS 0.931 1.000
ITA 0.868 0.873
SVK 0.838 0.843
LUX 0.729 0.783
HUN 1.000 1.000
LTU 0.981 0.995
ESP 0.961 0.974
USA 0.894 0.906
BLR 0.850 0.913
MLT 0.829 0.833
HRV 0.884 0.949
ISR 0.829 0.833
TUR 0.994 1.000
UKR 0.951 1.000
CYP 0.823 0.823
GRC 0.929 0.935
SRB 1.000 1.000
MYS 0.967 0.967
ALB 1.000 1.000
BGR 0.661 0.858
ARE 0.828 0.828
MNE 0.698 0.698
ROU 0.662 0.859
KAZ 0.696 0.696
MDA 0.771 1.000
AZE 0.967 0.967
THA 0.744 0.966
URY 0.602 0.781
CHL 0.817 0.822
QAT 0.591 0.767
MEX 0.746 0.967
BIH 0.782 0.782
CRI 0.615 0.615
JOR 0.940 0.940
PER 0.795 0.795
GEO 0.798 0.798
MKD 0.768 0.768
LBN 0.735 0.735
COL 0.739 0.739
BRA 0.697 0.697
ARG 0.693 0.693
IDN 0.735 0.735
SAU 0.674 0.674
MAR 0.748 0.748
PAN 0.770 0.770
PHL 0.780 0.780
DOM 0.804 0.804
returns the efficiency scores for the
convexified frontier obtained through an Efficiency Analysis Trees
model. In this case, if DEA = TRUE
, scores are also
calculated through a DEA model.
efficiencyCEAT(data, x, y,
digits = 3,
print.table = FALSE,
na.rm = TRUE)
scores_CEAT <- efficiencyCEAT(data = PISAindex,
x = 15,
y = 3,
object = single_model,
scores_model = "BCC.INP",
digits = 3,
print.table = TRUE,
na.rm = TRUE)
Model Mean Std. Dev. Min Q1 Median Q3 Max
CEAT 0.749 0.077 0.591 0.698 0.749 0.749 1
DEA 0.805 0.094 0.599 0.739 0.801 0.801 1
SGP 0.878 1.000
JPN 0.872 0.986
KOR 0.878 0.989
EST 0.857 0.969
NLD 0.736 0.824
POL 0.862 0.968
CHE 0.697 0.777
CAN 0.768 0.865
DNK 0.693 0.772
SVN 0.821 0.920
BEL 0.735 0.821
FIN 0.787 0.888
SWE 0.724 0.809
GBR 0.750 0.840
NOR 0.680 0.757
DEU 0.723 0.809
IRL 0.731 0.816
AUT 0.712 0.792
CZE 0.788 0.880
LVA 0.758 0.843
FRA 0.725 0.808
ISL 0.669 0.739
NZL 0.769 0.862
PRT 0.776 0.865
AUS 0.754 0.845
RUS 0.846 0.936
ITA 0.756 0.832
SVK 0.717 0.787
LUX 0.660 0.729
HUN 0.779 0.864
LTU 0.768 0.851
ESP 0.755 0.838
USA 0.756 0.846
BLR 0.750 0.826
MLT 0.703 0.771
HRV 0.792 0.875
ISR 0.703 0.771
TUR 0.866 0.953
UKR 0.831 0.916
CYP 0.628 0.678
GRC 0.754 0.822
SRB 0.767 0.829
MYS 0.734 0.792
ALB 1.000 1.000
BGR 0.661 0.691
ARE 0.616 0.663
MNE 0.698 0.698
ROU 0.662 0.701
KAZ 0.696 0.696
MDA 0.771 0.825
AZE 0.967 0.967
THA 0.744 0.787
URY 0.602 0.637
CHL 0.638 0.692
QAT 0.591 0.599
MEX 0.746 0.755
BIH 0.782 0.782
CRI 0.615 0.615
JOR 0.682 0.731
PER 0.795 0.795
GEO 0.798 0.798
MKD 0.768 0.768
LBN 0.735 0.735
COL 0.739 0.739
BRA 0.697 0.697
ARG 0.693 0.693
IDN 0.735 0.735
SAU 0.674 0.674
MAR 0.748 0.748
PAN 0.770 0.770
PHL 0.780 0.780
DOM 0.804 0.804
returns a jitter plot from
. This graphic shows how DMUs are grouped into leaf
nodes in a model built using the EAT
function. Each leaf
node groups DMUs with the same level of resources. The dot and the black
line represent, respectively, the mean value and the standard deviation
of the scores of its node. Additionally, efficient DMU labels are always
displayed based on the model entered in the score_model
argument. Finally, the user can specify an upper bound
) and a lower bound (lwb
) in order to
show, in addition, the labels whose efficiency score lies between them.
Scores from a convex Efficiency Analysis Tree (CEAT
) model
can also be used.
efficiencyJitter(object = single_model,
df_scores = scores_EAT$EAT_BCC_OUT,
scores_model = "BCC.OUT",
lwb = 1.2)
efficiencyJitter(object = single_model,
df_scores = scores_EAT2$EAT_BCC_INP,
scores_model = "BCC.INP",
upb = 0.65)
Graphically, for a single input and output scenario it is observed that if the BCC models are used to obtain the efficiency scores:
Under output orientation, those DMUs that are arranged in the horizontal plane of the frontier are efficient.
Under input orientation those DMUs that are arranged in the vertical plane of the frontier are efficient.
If a DMU is located in a corner of the frontier, it is efficient under both orientations.
# frontier <- frontier(object = single_model, FDH = TRUE,
# = TRUE, rwn = TRUE)
returns a density plot from
. In this way, the similarity between the scores
obtained by the different available methodologies can be verified.
In this case, we compare EAT vs FDH and CEAT vs DEA:
The curse of dimensionality
When the ratio of the sample size and the number of variables (inputs
and outputs) is low, the standard methods of efficiency analysis
(specially FDH) tend to evaluate a large number of DMUs as technically
efficient. This problem is known as the curse of
dimensionality. To show it, the efficiency scores of the
(section 2) with 16 variables and 72 DMUs
are calculated:
# multioutput_model <- EAT(data = PISAindex, x = 6:18, y = 3:5)
cursed_scores <- efficiencyEAT(data = PISAindex,
x = 6:18,
y = 3:5,
object = multioutput_model,
scores_model = "BCC.OUT",
digits = 3,
print.table = TRUE,
Model Mean Std. Dev. Min Q1 Median Q3 Max
EAT 1.021 0.030 1 1 1.008 1.008 1.159
FDH 1.002 0.008 1 1 1.000 1.000 1.042
Random Forest + Efficiency Analysis Trees (RFEAT
) has
also been developed with the aim of providing a greater stability to the
results obtained by the EAT
function. The
function requires the data
the variables for the analysis, x
and y
corresponding to the inputs and outputs indexes respectively, the
minimum number of observations in a node for a split to be attempted
) and na.rm
to ignore observations
with NA
cells. All these arguments are used for the
construction of the m
individual Efficiency Analysis Trees
that make up the random forest. Finally, the argument
indicates the number of inputs that can be randomly
selected in each split. It can be set as any integer although there are
also certain predefined values. Being, nx the number of
inputs, ny
the number of outputs and n(t) the number of
observations in a node, the available options in s_mtry
= $\frac{n_{x}}{3}$DEA1
= $\frac{n(t)}{2} -
= $\frac{n(t)}{3} -
= n(t) − 2 ⋅ nyDEA4
= $min(\frac{n(t)}{n_{y}}, \frac{n(t)}{3} -
n_{y})$The function returns a RFEAT
forest <- RFEAT(data = PISAindex,
x = 6:18,
y = 3:5,
numStop = 5,
m = 30,
s_mtry = "BRM",
na.rm = TRUE)
Formula: S_PISA + R_PISA + M_PISA ~ NBMC + WS + S + PS + ABK + AIC + HW + EQ + PR + PFC + I + AAE + GDP_PPP
# ========================== #
# Forest #
# ========================== #
Error: 2353.86
numStop: 5
No. of trees (m): 30
No. of inputs tried (s_mtry): BRM
returns the Out-Of-Bag error for a forest
consisting of k trees. Note that the OOB error of early forests suffers
from great variability.
As in rankingEAT()
, the rankingRFEAT
function computes an importance score of variables using a
For example (this function is usually computationally exhaustive, thus a previous database reduction is carried out):
forestReduced <- RFEAT(data = PISAindex,
x = c(6, 7, 8, 12, 17),
y = 3:5,
numStop = 5,
m = 30,
s_mtry = "BRM",
na.rm = TRUE)
rankingRFEAT(object = forestReduced,
barplot = TRUE,
digits = 2)
AAE 10.45
S 8.46
NBMC 3.64
HW 1.52
WS -6.02
A positive importance score means that including the input in the model improves the performance.
A negative importance score means that removing the input from the model improves the performance.
As in bestEAT()
, the bestRFEAT
function is
applied to find the optimal hyperparameters that minimize the root mean
square error (RMSE) calculated on the test sample. In this case, the
available hyperparameters are numStop
, m
In our example:
# n <- nrow(PISAindex)
# selected <- sample(1:n, n * 0.7)
# training <- PISAindex[selected, ]
# test <- PISAindex[- selected, ]
bestRFEAT(training = training,
test = test,
x = c(6, 7, 8, 12, 17),
y = 3:5,
numStop = c(5, 10), # set of possible numStop
m = c(20, 30), # set of possible m
s_mtry = c("1", "BRM")) # set of possible s_mtry
numStop m s_mtry RMSE
1 5 20 BRM 55.18
2 5 30 BRM 55.31
3 10 20 BRM 57.20
4 5 20 1 61.41
5 10 30 BRM 62.35
6 5 30 1 63.30
7 10 30 1 67.80
8 10 20 1 68.66
The best Random Forest + Efficiency Analysis Trees model is given by
the hyperparameters {numStop = 5, m = 20, s_mtry = "BRM"}
with RMSE = 54.18
As in efficiencyEAT()
, the efficiencyRFEAT
function returns the efficiency scores for a set of DMUs. However, in
this case, it is only available for the BCC model with output
orientation. Again, the FDH scores can be requested using
In our example:
returns a data.frame
with the
expected output for a set of observations using Efficiency Analysis
Trees or Random Forest for Efficiency Analysis Trees techniques. In both
cases, newdata
refers to a data.frame
the set of inputs to be used. Regarding the
argument, in the first case it corresponds to an
object and in the second case to a RFEAT
In predictions using an EAT
object, only one Efficiency
Analysis Tree is used. However, for the RFEAT
model, the
output is predicted by each of the m
individual trees
trained and subsequently the mean value of all predictions is
Finally, an example with the predictions given by the two different methodologies is shown:
# bestEAT_model <- EAT(data = PISAindex, x = c(6, 7, 8, 12, 17), y = 3:5,
# numStop = 5, fold = 5)
# bestRFEAT_model <- RFEAT(data = PISAindex, x = c(6, 7, 8, 12, 17), y = 3:5,
# numStop = 3, m = 30, s_mtry = 'BRM')
predictions_EAT <- predict(object = bestEAT_model,
newdata = PISAindex,
x = c(6, 7, 8, 12, 17))
predictions_RFEAT <- predict(object = bestRFEAT_model,
newdata = PISAindex,
x = c(6, 7, 8, 12, 17))
551 | 549 | 569 | 551 | 549 | 569 | 527.75 | 525.25 | 539.00 |
529 | 504 | 527 | 551 | 549 | 569 | 523.00 | 517.25 | 527.05 |
519 | 514 | 526 | 519 | 514 | 526 | 518.80 | 515.00 | 522.20 |
530 | 523 | 523 | 530 | 523 | 526 | 506.15 | 500.05 | 506.55 |
503 | 485 | 519 | 511 | 512 | 519 | 515.95 | 516.45 | 523.80 |
511 | 512 | 516 | 511 | 512 | 516 | 498.65 | 495.30 | 504.60 |
495 | 484 | 515 | 551 | 549 | 569 | 533.75 | 533.45 | 544.35 |
518 | 520 | 512 | 530 | 523 | 526 | 524.70 | 521.65 | 524.55 |
493 | 501 | 509 | 511 | 512 | 516 | 515.55 | 515.40 | 522.70 |
507 | 495 | 509 | 507 | 495 | 509 | 507.45 | 502.35 | 511.00 |
499 | 493 | 508 | 511 | 512 | 516 | 515.05 | 512.95 | 519.75 |
522 | 520 | 507 | 530 | 523 | 526 | 526.10 | 523.35 | 526.40 |
499 | 506 | 502 | 530 | 523 | 526 | 522.50 | 522.55 | 523.65 |
505 | 504 | 502 | 511 | 512 | 519 | 516.30 | 515.35 | 521.60 |
490 | 499 | 501 | 530 | 523 | 526 | 523.70 | 522.30 | 525.75 |
503 | 498 | 500 | 511 | 512 | 516 | 514.50 | 513.20 | 519.75 |
496 | 518 | 500 | 530 | 523 | 526 | 520.15 | 519.90 | 520.85 |
490 | 484 | 499 | 511 | 512 | 516 | 513.60 | 510.80 | 517.15 |
497 | 490 | 499 | 511 | 512 | 516 | 505.75 | 502.95 | 509.95 |
487 | 479 | 496 | 487 | 479 | 496 | 482.95 | 476.30 | 490.30 |
493 | 493 | 495 | 530 | 523 | 526 | 521.80 | 521.85 | 524.50 |
475 | 474 | 495 | 530 | 523 | 526 | 522.75 | 522.55 | 526.95 |
508 | 506 | 494 | 530 | 523 | 526 | 519.40 | 516.90 | 518.30 |
492 | 492 | 492 | 492 | 492 | 496 | 495.70 | 492.80 | 498.35 |
503 | 503 | 491 | 530 | 523 | 526 | 522.65 | 519.70 | 523.20 |
478 | 473 | 488 | 487 | 479 | 496 | 475.30 | 471.35 | 478.30 |
468 | 476 | 487 | 511 | 512 | 516 | 512.60 | 511.00 | 516.90 |
464 | 458 | 486 | 487 | 479 | 496 | 473.40 | 469.35 | 481.00 |
477 | 470 | 483 | 492 | 492 | 496 | 493.55 | 489.45 | 497.65 |
481 | 476 | 481 | 487 | 479 | 496 | 474.85 | 470.80 | 480.30 |
482 | 476 | 481 | 487 | 479 | 496 | 484.60 | 477.85 | 491.75 |
483 | NA | 481 | 530 | 523 | 526 | 521.90 | 521.30 | 523.25 |
502 | 505 | 478 | 511 | 512 | 516 | 507.95 | 507.05 | 512.90 |
471 | 474 | 472 | 492 | 492 | 496 | 474.30 | 469.95 | 479.25 |
462 | 448 | 472 | 492 | 492 | 496 | 475.90 | 471.30 | 479.50 |
475 | 479 | 464 | 492 | 492 | 496 | 482.80 | 479.30 | 487.10 |
462 | 470 | 463 | 492 | 492 | 496 | 501.50 | 498.00 | 504.90 |
468 | 466 | 454 | 469 | 466 | 454 | 470.05 | 467.15 | 460.60 |
469 | 466 | 453 | 469 | 466 | 454 | 459.80 | 454.05 | 450.60 |
439 | 424 | 451 | 487 | 479 | 496 | 485.00 | 480.10 | 491.10 |
452 | 457 | 451 | 511 | 512 | 516 | 508.80 | 506.70 | 513.55 |
440 | 439 | 448 | 469 | 466 | 454 | 449.75 | 447.65 | 455.20 |
438 | 415 | 440 | 438 | 432 | 440 | 436.10 | 424.55 | 434.60 |
417 | 405 | 437 | 428 | 424 | 437 | 415.10 | 403.50 | 423.45 |
424 | 420 | 436 | 438 | 432 | 440 | 444.10 | 441.25 | 447.05 |
434 | 432 | 435 | 438 | 432 | 440 | 435.20 | 429.75 | 437.45 |
415 | 421 | 430 | 415 | 421 | 430 | 440.30 | 438.50 | 445.75 |
426 | 428 | 430 | 438 | 432 | 440 | 432.75 | 430.50 | 436.95 |
397 | 387 | 423 | 428 | 424 | 437 | 436.80 | 432.20 | 436.70 |
428 | 424 | 421 | 428 | 424 | 437 | 431.45 | 426.80 | 432.75 |
398 | 389 | 420 | 404 | 401 | 420 | 405.80 | 395.70 | 409.90 |
426 | 393 | 419 | 428 | 424 | 437 | 422.70 | 409.95 | 421.40 |
426 | 427 | 418 | 429 | 427 | 437 | 449.55 | 445.20 | 451.20 |
444 | 452 | 417 | 487 | 479 | 496 | 485.35 | 478.55 | 492.30 |
419 | 407 | 414 | 429 | 427 | 437 | 434.55 | 428.65 | 438.00 |
419 | 420 | 409 | 429 | 427 | 437 | 428.95 | 421.00 | 429.40 |
398 | 403 | 406 | 415 | 421 | 430 | 433.75 | 428.60 | 439.25 |
416 | 426 | 402 | 429 | 427 | 437 | 447.25 | 444.50 | 449.35 |
429 | 419 | 400 | 429 | 427 | 437 | 436.85 | 429.10 | 434.35 |
404 | 401 | 400 | 404 | 401 | 420 | 412.10 | 401.90 | 412.60 |
383 | 380 | 398 | 404 | 401 | 420 | 414.60 | 406.70 | 419.00 |
413 | 393 | 394 | 415 | 421 | 430 | 431.30 | 426.85 | 435.90 |
384 | 353 | 393 | 428 | 424 | 437 | 425.00 | 415.15 | 429.70 |
413 | 412 | 391 | 428 | 424 | 437 | 433.55 | 425.10 | 433.05 |
404 | 413 | 384 | 428 | 424 | 437 | 429.05 | 424.40 | 429.50 |
404 | 402 | 379 | 469 | 466 | 454 | 466.75 | 462.55 | 462.05 |
396 | 371 | 379 | 396 | 377 | 379 | 392.90 | 375.75 | 380.45 |
386 | 399 | 373 | 438 | 432 | 440 | 431.95 | 423.85 | 434.10 |
377 | 359 | 368 | 396 | 377 | 379 | 393.45 | 378.55 | 382.70 |
365 | 377 | 353 | 396 | 377 | 379 | 411.20 | 400.55 | 403.30 |
357 | 340 | 353 | 396 | 377 | 379 | 387.65 | 370.25 | 376.25 |
336 | 342 | 325 | 396 | 377 | 379 | 389.05 | 378.00 | 378.85 |